Octorara Primary Learning Center
Incoming Kindergarten Program for 1/16/25 is postponed due to weather. Come Explore the OPLC will be re-scheduled for 1/30/25
Winter Weather
Now that Winter weather is upon us, we want to share some helpful information. Students have outdoor recess daily after or before lunch. Students are encouraged to wear the jackets, coats, mittens, gloves, and hats that they wear to school to recess. Recess will be indoors when we have extremely cold temperatures- actual or feels like temperature below 25 degrees.
If we have inclement weather, the district may call for a Flexible Instruction Day (FID). FID packets were sent home on December 12th. Please review the FID information here if you missed it.
Sometimes items are misplaced so make sure clothes articles are labeled with a first and last name. We do have a "Lost and Found" located past the cafeteria. If your child is missing something, encourage them to take a look. .
Daily Parent Pick Up Form
Please use the Parent Pickup button above to sign student up for parent pick up for the day,
If you are requesting permanent parent pick up, email building secretary, Traci Zary at TZary@octorara.org
Parent & Student Resources
Incoming Kindergarten Parent Presentation
Octorara K-6 PTO
The Octorara K-6 PTO (parent teacher organization) gives parents and teachers the opportunity to work together to supplement and enrich the educational experience.
Visit our website: https://sites.google.com/octorara.org/octorarak-6pto/home
Join our Remind Group for announcements and updates: https://www.remind.com/join/octk6pto
Click on the picture to find the treasures in the library.