Positive School-Wide Behavior Program
Parent Letter
Dear parent/guardian,
This year at OIS we will continue to use the 4BehaviorSchool Wide Behavior Plan. The plan will serve multiple purposes including providing students with a consistent set of rules and consequences, providing teachers with a process for managing behavior, and providing the office with additional behavior data.
Here is how the 4Behavior School-wide Behavior Plan works:
All teachers in the school have a laminated set of classroom expectations & interventions to hang in their rooms.
Be respectful and courteous to classmates, teachers, school staff, and the school itself.
Listen and follow directions.
Work and play safely.
Teachers will review these expectations and interventions with students at the beginning of the year. Teachers will monitor student behavior each day. Students who meet expectations 90% or more of the time will receive a small reward each 6-day cycle. Students who do not meet expectations will complete a behavior reflection activity. Students who consistently fall below 90% of positive behavior will be referred for additional intervention.
If you have any questions about the 4Behavior School Wide Discipline Plan please contact me at your earliest convenience. Thank you in advance for your support and cooperation.
Christian D. Haller