Career Plan Graduation Portfolio
Career Portfolio Requirements and Timeline Guide and Forms
Create a Career Plan Portfolio. Each portfolio should contain the following items:

Binder Cover with Student Name and Program
Binder Dividers
Complete Career Plan Form the first year in the Octorara Homeland Security & Protective Services Academy
Cover Letter
Resume using template
Participate in an Interview
Career Preparation:
Community Activity
School Activity
Copies of Industry Certifications
Career Experience Summary
Each item must be completed in its entirety, using proper grammar, complete sentences and in your own words.
A reume is a work in progress. You will update it as you get new jobs, certifications and achievements.
Where you see an **** on the resume template you will replace this with your own information (example: **** High School will become Octorara Area Senior High School).
Some things to consider in the EMPLOYMENT section of your resume:
For a summer job, you can list the date as Summer Employment 2014
If you are still working at a company the end date is PRESENT
If you do not have a job include volunteer work (ie: fire fighter) or delete the section.
If a section or bullet does not apply to you, remove it from the resume.