Octorara Intermediate School

Upcoming Events
2025 OIS Spring Picture Day- Thursday February 13
Early Dismissal K-6- Conferences- March 20
K-6 Conferences- Afternoon and Evening - Thursday March 20
Fifth Grade Supplies List 2024-2025
2 boxes of 24 pencils - refresh often
spiral-bound notebooks (three one-subject or one three-subject)
1 3-pack of 3X3 sticky notes (any color)
1 pack of pencil-top erasers
1 pack of colored pencils
1 pack of multi-colored highlighters
1 soft, small, zipper pencil case (no pencil boxes)
3 large glue sticks
1 pack of dry-erase markers
1 pair of wired headphones (please do not send wireless earbuds)
1 box of tissues
1 container of Clorox wipes
Sixth Grade Supplies List 2024-2025
General Supplies:
Colored pencils (optional)
Markers (optional)
Scissors (optional)
Crayons (optional)
Dry erase markers
Colored correcting pens for checking homework
Classroom donations appreciated:
Hand Sanitizer
Clorox Wipes
Paper Towels
Dry Erase Markers
Additional items that should be brought to school each day:
Backpack to carry materials to and from school
Refillable water bottle
Earbuds or headphones (not wireless)
OIS News
OIS approved as a Common Sense School
K-6 Standards-Based Grading and Reporting
Support Your School
Box Tops for Education
The Octorara Intermediate School is continuously collecting Box Tops and Labels for Education!
These can all be turned into money and points that can help our school purchase items such as new playground equipment, school supplies, technology and more!
*Box Tops for Educations
Some common brands and products to look for Box Tops on are:
General Mills cereal (Cheerios, Chex, cinnamon toast Crunch)
Betty Crocker (cakes, cookies, brownies)
Ziploc (storage bags, food containers)
Hanes (socks, t-shirts, underwear)
Please Read! OASD Head Lice Protocol:
Please remember to notify your school nurse if your child has head lice
Building will maintain Confidentiality
Students with live lice or viable nits may stay in school and will be referred for treatment at the end of the school day
Siblings will be inspected and parent notified
Treat promptly removing All live lice and viable nits
Must be escorted by parent upon return and rechecked by school nurse before returning to classroom
School nurse is authorized to require proof of treatment and may exclude as needed
*No more classroom head lice checks
*No more "Head Lice Notification" letters sent home
Please Be Proactive! Perform weekly head checks on your child, encourage pony tails for students with long hair