Pick-Up/Drop Off Information
What are the Arrival and Dismissal times?
8:30 AM - 8:45 AM - Students Arrive
3:30 PM - Students Depart
What should I do if I drive my child to school?
If you are driving children to school, you must use the designated parent drop off area. After turning into the main Octorara Intermediate entrance, proceed to the far right parking lot (away from the bus circle). Parents, for safety reasons, PLEASE DO NOT use the bus lane to drop children off. Children may be dropped off at 8:30 AM and MUST be in the classroom no later than 8:45 AM.
May my child arrive early to school?
Students who are not participating in a school sponsored activity or a teacher’s help class must not arrive before 8:30 AM. We do not have staff available to supervise your child.
What should I do if I am picking my child up at school?
Parent/Guardian must pick up their child from the main office at all times. The child will not be released directly to the parent from the classroom. Children are released only to a parent or guardian unless a note has been received from that parent or guardian designating the adult who will be meeting the child.
A written request should be sent to the office no later than 8:45 AM of the day you plan to pick up your child.
Parents picking up their children from school must park in the parent parking lot and report to the school office.
Parent/Guardian/Authorized adult must present proper I.D. to sign the child out.
After signing your child out, parents/guardians must remain in glass foyer until your child is released.
Your child will not be dismissed before 3:20 PM.
What if I need an early dismissal?
The school is legally responsible for the safety of all children during the school day. In keeping with the policy, to assure that children are released only for proper reasons and into proper hands, it becomes prudent that:
No student is released from school early on the basis of an invalidated telephone call.
Children of estranged parents are released only upon the request of the parent listed on the emergency form or whom the court holds directly responsible for the child and who is the parent or guardian registered on the school record.
Early dismissals are discouraged because they tend to disrupt instructional time. If an early dismissal is absolutely necessary, a written request must be sent to the office no later than 8:45 AM on the morning of that dismissal, stating the reason and designating the time you are arriving. Parents must report to the school office to sign the child out. The secretary will call the child to the office. Parents are not to go to the classroom to pick up a child as this can cause more disruption.
What if my child is at-risk for abduction by a non-custodial parent?
Please notify the building principal or counselor if your family is involved in any custodial issues, which puts your child at-risk. Children will only be released to the custodial parent when legal documentation is presented. Custody papers should be filed at theDistrict Office.