The Pennsylvania Department of Education does not permit the completion of assignments to serve as proof of attendance on a Flexible Instructional Day. Therefore, students must register their attendance to ensure they are not marked absent on a FID.
Students with internet access can record their attendance on the OASD FID Attendance Sheet. This link will be available in the FID section of the district’s website.
Students without internet access should bring a note from a parent confirming their attendance on a Flexible Instructional Day.
Dear Octorara School Community,
We are pleased to announce that the Octorara Area School District will participate in the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s (PDE) Flexible Instructional Day program (FIDS) during the 2024-2025 school year. This provides the school district with four options to manage school closures due to inclement weather.
2 hour delay
3 hour delay
Flexible Instructional Day
School Closed: Snow make-up day is used.
PDE allows a school district to use up to five (5) FIDS per school year. The purpose of Octorara’s Flexible Instructional Day program is to help preserve the school district’s board approved calendar, to support the continuity of education for our students, and to provide a contingency plan for snow days during difficult winters. A change for Octorara this year is that we may use a Flexible Instructional day before exhausting all snow make-up days, if we are able to make a weather call early.
FID assignments are primarily self-directed and independent activities designed to review prior learning, reinforce prior learning, enrich prior learning, and/or introduce new learning that will be reinforced at the next live class meetings. Teachers will be available during designated hours to help students with assignments and students will be afforded opportunities to make-up the work should they be absent from school on a flexible instructional day.
I encourage you to contact your child’s building principal with any questions you may have after you review the information.
Thank you for your continued support of the Octorara Area School District.
-Flexible Instructional Day Frequently Asked Questions-
When will Flexible Instructional Days be used? Flexible Instructional Days may be used within the first five (5) days school is closed for any reason (i.e. weather, facility issues). Flexible Instructional Days will only occur if the decision to declare a FID is timely for students and staff to be prepared.
How will families be notified that the district is using a Flexible Instructional Day? Families will be notified through the district’s communication system: email, phone call, and text. FID announcements will also be posted to the OASD website and to all media outlets.
How will my child’s attendance be recorded on a Flexible Instructional Day?
The Pennsylvania Department of Education does not permit the completion of assignments to serve as proof of attendance on a Flexible Instructional Day. Therefore, students must register their attendance to ensure they are not marked absent on a FID.
Students with internet access can record their attendance on the OASD FID Attendance Sheet. This link will be available in the FID section of the district’s website.
Students without internet access should bring a note from a parent confirming their attendance on a Flexible Instructional Day.
Students who do not register their attendance or provide a note from a parent will be marked absent for the day. Students who have a prearranged absence are not required to register their attendance on a FID. Building principals will ensure students have their assignment folders well in advance of the first declared FID.
How will students access their assignments on a Flexible Instructional Day? Students will access the asynchronous/independent activities through Schoology, Google Classroom, or Seesaw. Students who forget to bring their device home or are unable to access the internet should complete the paper/pencil instructional activities provided to them in their FID folder.
What types of assignments will my child complete on a Flexible Instructional Day? All learning activities will be asynchronous or independent and may include any of the following: a review of prior learning; a reinforcement of prior learning; an enrichment of prior learning; or new learning to be reinforced during the next live class meeting. If possible, teachers will provide an explanation and review of student learning activities prior to the FID. If this is not possible, all learning activities and explanations will be provided via Schoology, Google Classroom, or Seesaw. Explanations about the activities will also be provided in the FID folder. Students are expected to complete assignments for all classes that would normally meet on the school day impacted by weather, as this will count as a typical cycle day. Younger students or students with accommodations may require support from an adult.
My child has an IEP. How will teachers provide accommodations to my child on a FID? Teachers will review the FID assignments to ensure the activities fall within the expected grade level expectations and can be completed with as much independence as is typically expected, per the IEP. Special Education case managers will be available to assist students with their assignments. Upon returning from a FID, teachers will meet with special needs students to review the work submitted, checking for completion and comprehension. Any related services (physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, etc.) originally scheduled during the FID will be rescheduled according to the frequency requirements noted in the student’s IEP.
If my child is absent from school on a FID, will he or she be permitted to make up the work? Yes, all students will have three school days to make up work missed on a FID.
What happens if my child does not complete the assignments? Middle School and High School students may lose the point value or grade for the assignment. This loss of points could negatively impact a student’s marking period grade. Each teacher weights learning activities and assignments differently. It would be in the best interest of the student to complete the assignments within the three day window. Elementary students may be lacking evidence of meeting the report card standards which may mean the difference between exceeding, meeting, making progress, or not meeting the grade level standards.
Will staff be available to assist my child on a FID? Yes, teachers are available to assist or respond to learners between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. using the messaging tools in Seesaw, Google classroom, or Schoology or the district’s email system. Principals, counselors, and nurses will also be available during these times.
Will elementary students have assignments and activities for their special classes such as music? Students will be expected to complete lessons for classes that are typically scheduled for that day. This includes specials like physical education, health, art, music, and STEM.
How is a student expected to complete the activities if they go to daycare when school is canceled? If the student does not have their device, cannot access the internet, or is unable to take a paper-copy of the learning activities and assignments to the daycare to complete on the FID, please provide a note to the building principal so arrangements can be made for your child to make-up the work.
How much time will it take for my child to complete FID assignments? Teachers have created learning activities that are designed to review, reinforce, and enrich previous learning. Any new learning introduced on a FID will be reinforced during the next live class meeting. Students working independently on an assignment will likely take less time to complete the assignment compared to a large group setting. Teachers will make every effort to communicate an approximate time for each learning activity.
Can my child access the learning activities or complete the online learning activities from their Smartphone? (Grades 7-12) Schoology, Google Classroom and Seesaw can be accessed from a variety of tablets, smart phones, laptop and desktop computers. The assignments may use a variety of websites and applications that may or may not work from a variety of devices. All K-6 FID activities are paper and pencil.