What is MTSS?

MTSS stands for Multi-Tier System of Supports. Students who are having academic and/or behavioral concerns will be referred to the MTSS team. The facilitator of the MTSS process at the OPLC is our Intervention Specialist, Dr. Jill Bright. The team examines various pieces of data to determine the most effective supports to help the student experience success. Instruction is provided using specific interventions and the student's progress is monitored to see how he/she responds to the intervention. If the student is successful, we will gradually remove the intervention. If the student is still experiencing difficulty, we will increase the supports and the student will move to the next "Tier." Thus, we have a Multi-Tiered System of Supports. MTSS is a team approach which always includes the principal (Ms. Lease), Intervention Specialist (Dr. Bright), classroom teacher, parents, support teacher(s), school counselor, psychologist and any other staff/specialists involved with a student.

The team's make-up will vary depending on the needs of the student; however, one of the most important members of the team is the child's parent or guardian. All members of the team then contribute according to their own areas of specialty and experiences, and the team makes decision about how to best assist the child.

The Child Study Team is a valuable part of our school's support for all students' education! Please contact the OPLC's Intervention Specialist, Dr. Jill Bright, at Email Jill Bright or by calling the OPLC 610-593-8350, ext 10131.