Emergency Preparedness

Emergency Preparedness

Why Prepare Now For Emergencies?

Emergency workers will help after a disaster strikes, but they may not be able to reach everyone right away.  That's why it's important to be ready to survive on your own for at least three days.

Top 10 Possible Emergencies

  • Floods

  • Fires

  • Winter Storms

  • Tropical Storms, Tornadoes, and Thunderstorms

  • Influenza Pandemic

  • Hazardous Material Incidents

  • Earthquakes and Landslides

  • Nuclear Threat

  • Dam Failures

  • Terrorism

Make a plan and make a kit. Everyone's plan and everyone's kit will look different, since we all have different needs. Many of the items needed in your kit are already in your home, now you just need to put them all in one place. 

MAKE A PLAN: Communication is key. Plan on how to connect to your nearest and dearest to make sure everyone is okay. Visit Ready.gov to make a plan.