Visitor Sign-in Procedures
The Octorara Area School District has implemented an Electronic Visitor Management System (EVMS). This system will be replacing manual paper-based sign in logs. It will allow schools to produce visitor badges, monitor visitors, monitor volunteer hours, and electronically check all visitors against registered sexual offender databases.
PURPOSE: To avoid incidents of consequence by controlling the flow of visitors, parents, vendors and guests within our classroom buildings and hallways. A secondary but equally important purpose is to document who is in our buildings if there is a catastrophic event.
PROCEDURE: Each building has signs posted at the entrance noting that all visitors, including School District employees from other buildings, parents, vendors, and guests must be signed in before entering. Listed below are the proper procedures:
Any visitors requesting entry to a school building during regular school hours are to enter and exit each building's main office. Entry to a school building shall be prohibited unless an authorized representative for the building is present.
Building principals shall establish and maintain Parent Pick-up procedures and communicate these procedures to parents and guardians.
Upon visiting any individual school building for the first time a visitor must provide a valid driver’s license to be scanned into an Electronic Visitors Management System (EVMS). This system will allow school buildings to produce visitor badges, monitor volunteer hours, and electronically check all visitors against registered sexual offender databases.
Upon visiting any individual school building on any subsequent times after the first visit, a visitor must provide a valid driver’s license. The driver’s license will be checked against the information in the Electronic Visitors Management System to approve access to the building.
All visitors shall return to the building control point to checkout when leaving the building. Designated staff will check the visitor out of the system and collect and dispose of visitor’s badge.
Any building visitor who has not registered with the school control point and who is not wearing the visitor badge is illegally on school property will be asked to identify him/herself properly and report to the office immediately.