Child Care Education CIP 19.0708

The Child Care Education is a 3 year, 3 credit per year Pennsylvania Department Approved Career and Technical Education program that prepares individuals for a variety of occupations in child care and guidance often under the supervision of professional personnel in child or day care centers. This program includes instruction in growth and development; nutrition; program planning and management; safety; behavior guidance; play activities; child abuse and neglect; parent, child personal relationships; learning experiences for children; and laws, regulations and policies relating to child care services.
During the third year of the CTP Child Care Education class students participate in a student teaching internship. The internship will provide students with “on the job” work experience to gain valuable employment skills and give them the opportunity to learn more about Child Care Education and apply already learned skills.
CO-OP Positions at the Octorara Primary Learning Center and Beyond
During their 3rd year, students in The Child Care Education program will have access to two CO-OP postions at The Octorara Primary Learning Center. The Cooperative Education (CO-OP) program combines classroom instruction with on-the-job training, and is available through any career and technical program offered at OACTEP. Qualifying seniors integrate classroom learning with supervised, practical work experience. Eligible students apply for part-time employment in areas related to their chosen field of study. Students are evaluated by their employers on a monthly basis, and receive related instruction in school each week. To qualify for the CO-OP program, students must have passing grades in all courses required for graduation, have a Student Employment Training Agreement, have good attendance, and have an acceptable discipline record. Students must have completed a minimum of one year in their career and technical program prior to applying for the CO-OP program.
The Cooperative Education (CO-OP) is a partnership between the high school, local employers and students. CO-OP is an opportunity for students to use skills learned in high school and learn new skills in the workplace. Students are required to keep a log of work activities and attend the CO-OP class. Students are evaluated monthly by employers and have a Training Plan developed in conjunction with their employer. All students will be required to take the appropriate NOCTI test at the conclusion of the program.
Dual Enrollment Opportunity and College Credit
Through an articulation agreement with Shippensburg University, juniors and seniors in the program are able to earn up to 9 credits which are transferrable to many colleges and universities in Pennsylvania.
Additionally, students who complete the requirement of this "Program of Study" and score proficient or above may be eligible to get free college credits through the statewide SOAR program.

Room-2-Bloom Early Learning
Room-2-Bloom Application
Mission and Purpose of Room-2-Bloom
The mission of a child development laboratory is to provide high school students with the opportunity to observe and interact with pre-school children in a model setting that utilizes exemplary practices. In addition, these experiences offer high school students a model from which they can learn and discuss real–life concepts related to child development.
High school students that are preparing for a career as a teacher or child care provider elect to take the Child Care Education course as a part of Octorara Area Sr. High School’s Career Technology Program. The course description in the Octorara Area Sr. High School program of studies booklet, under the Family and Consumer Science (FACS) department, is as follows:
This 3-credit course is for students who want to “major” in this Career & Technical Education program while in high school. The program will meet 2 to 3 hours per day for three years. This is an extensive program of study for students interested in working with younger children in the future. Students will learn professionalism in the classroom, health and safety regulations, elements of setting up a classroom environment, classroom management techniques, development of lesson plans and curriculum, observation and assessment techniques, conducting learning activities and experiences, community and family communication, crime and violence prevention, and a clinical experience in early childhood education programs. The senior year may culminate in an internship or co-op placement where students can use the skills they have learned in a work setting. Students completing the program will be given the appropriate NOCTI test. Students who score at the advanced level on the NOCTI will be awarded the PA Skills Certificate. Students will also have the opportunity to earn free college credit when completing the program through the Statewide Articulation program.
In the classroom, the teacher and students plan and carry out activities for children, ages three to five, that encourage physical, social, emotional and intellectual development. As facilitators, the teacher and students will provide a framework for a caring learning environment. Activities in literacy, language, art, science, dramatic play, music, movement, and mathematics are examples of learning areas that are covered in the curriculum.
In order to maintain a caring community of learners and a safe environment, the teacher and students of the Room-2-Bloom Early Learning program will respect the dignity, worth, and uniqueness of each child and respect and support the families and children of our program. All participants in the program will interact with children based on current knowledge of child development and education, recognizing that children are active learners. The teacher and students will continue to learn, grow and contribute to the field of child development and be open to new ideas and be willing to learn from others. In addition guaranteeing to maintain confidentiality and high standards of conduct, Room-2-Bloom Early Learning staff and students will advocate for children and families.
Here are a sampling of High Priority Occupations related to Child Care Education: Kindergarten and Elementary Teachers, Preschool and Childcare Center Directors, Preschool Teachers, Special Education Teachers, Teacher Assistants
Industry Certifications:
PA Skills Certificate
CPR/First Aid Certificate
CareerSafe General Industry
Hours contribute toward Child Development Associate, and Certificate Criteria to continue Child Development Associate Credential
Pediatric First Aid/CPR
Get Started with Center-Based Care: Health & Safety Certification
PA Mandated Reporter Certification
Advocacy: Raising Awareness for the Early Childhood Professional
Cultural Understanding: Building Solid Foundations
Dual Language Learners: Strategies for Successful Opportunities in ECE
Curriculum Development: An Introduction
Transition Plans, Practices, and Approaches: Pathways to Success