Food Service
Dorian Lobato, Food Service Director
610-593-8238 ext. 30588
Email Dorian Lobato
Emily Harper, Food Service Manager
610-593-8238 ext. 30580
Email Emily Harper
Octorara Area School District, School Food Service Department follows the Traditional School Lunch Pattern with Offer vs. Serve option. The Traditional School Lunch Pattern requires School Food Service Departments to offer the following menu options. Offer vs. Serve requires the student to take at least three (3) of the five (5) menu options. As part of the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010, every student must take at least (1) fruit or vegetable for their meal to be complete.
1 Serving of meat or meat alternate
2 servings of fruit and/or vegetable
1 serving of bread or bread alternate
1 serving of milk
School Food Services offers a variety of menu selections each day. By offering a variety students will be able to select healthy menu choices. There will be an additional charge when students select over five (5) components or when a student refuses to take a fruit or vegetable. The additional charge is based on the School Meal and a la carte Price List.
If you would like to email the Food Service Department, please send your comments to either