Animal and Plant Science Technology CIP 01.0301

This course is designed for students who are motivated to pursue a career in the progressive animal science and plant science fields.
Areas of study include agribusiness, animal science, biotechnology, career development, food science, forestry, leadership, natural resource management, and plant and soil science. This includes instruction in pre-vet, animal health care, and the psychology and behavior of animals. Students can experience working in an aquaculture laboratory to enhance STEM education and have the opportunity to participate in specialized training and experiences in the equestrian industry. Students in this program will also become members of the National FFA Organization to experience leadership and employability skills.
This is an intensive program where students will meet 2-3 periods per day for three years. The senior year may culminate in a Capstone CO-OP experience where students will apply their classroom knowledge and skills to a real world work setting. Upon successful completion of the three-year program, seniors may be awarded 2 science credits towards their high school graduation requirements. Students have the potential to earn industry level certifications and college credits.
The Animal and Plant Science Technology program provides students with the scientific knowledge, methods, and skills necessary to pursue employment or entrepreneurship in agriculture and allows students to discover the field of agriculture in greater depth and explore specific areas of interest in Animal and Plant Science. Areas of study include Agribusiness, Animal Science, Biotechnology, Career Development, Economics and Marketing, Food Science, Forestry, Leadership, Management, Natural Resource Management, and Plant and Soil Science.
Here are a sampling of High Priority Occupations related to Animal and Plant Science Technology: Veterinarian/Veterinarian Technician, Nursery/Greenhouse Grower, Farm Worker, Agriculture Sales, Agriculture & Natural Resources Educator, Precision Agriculture Technicians, Bakers/Chefs, Butchers & Meat Cutters
Industry Certifications:
OSHA 10-Agriculture
Career Safe Employment Skills
National Safe Tractor & Machine Operator
Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA)
PA Skills Certificate
Pesticide Applicators license
Dairy Artificial Insemination
Food Safety Modernization Act(FSMA)
Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
Dairy Leaders of Tomorrow
Pennsylvania Horticulturalists
Pet & Livestock CPR,,First Aid, & Animal Emergency
Student Organization: National FFA Organization

Animal and Plant Science Technology Highlights 2024-25
FFA students had been collected non-perishable items for the Octorara Food Cupboard. Leading up to Thanksgiving, students went around the schools and loaded up boxes of good to help our community members this holiday season. This year 1,799 lbs of food were donated to Octorara Food Cupboard, which is 404lbs more than last year!
Every year FFA members are challenged to develop critical thinking skills and effective decision-making skills, foster teamwork and promote communication while recognizing the value of ethical competition and individual achievement through Career Development Events (CDE). These contests occur at the local, state and national levels. On November 12th, eight Octorara students competed at the regional level in the Aquatics and Dairy Judging CDE's.
There were 102 total particpants in the aquatics CDE, 8 from Chester County. Liz Novak placed 36 overall and 2nd in the county. Maddie Mangan placed 60 overall and 5th in the count. In the Dairy Juding CDE there were 138 overall and 17 to compete from Chester County. Grant Umble placed 8th overall and 1st in Chester County, Nicole Budzik placed 13th overall and 2 in the county, Kerri Davis placed 20 overall and 3rd in the county, Chase Lusby placed 65 overall and 8th in the county, Alison Fagan placed 91 overall and 12th in the county, and Kaileigh Mainwaring placed 128 overall and 16th in the county.
National FFA Organization
Pennsylvania coordinates eight student organizations that provide career awareness, leadership, motivation, and recognition for career related skills. The career and technical student organizations (CTSOs) are an extension of the classroom instructional program by integrating academics and career and technical skills into real work experiences.
Students in the Plant Science Technology and Mechanical Systems Technology and Animal CTP programs are to join FFA.
FFA stands for Future Farmers of America and is an organization just for students who want to be production farmers, teachers, doctors, scientists, business owners and more. The National and Octorara FFA Organizations are committed to the individual student, providing a path to achievement in premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.
National FFA Organization makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education. All students who are enrolled in the Octorara Area Career & Technical Animal and Plant Science Technology Program and Agriculture Mechanics Program become members of FFA due to the affiliate membership.
Octorara FFA Chapter continues to help the next generation rise up to meet those challenges by helping its members to develop their own unique talents and explore their interests in a broad range of agricultural career pathways. So today, FFA is still the Future Farmers of America. But, we are the Future Biologists, Future Chemists, Future Veterinarians, Future Engineers and Future Entrepreneurs of America, too.
Program of Study Information
The Animal and Plant Science Technology program provides students with the scientific knowledge, methods, and skills necessary to pursue employment or entrepreneurship in agriculture and allows students to discover the field of agriculture in greater depth and explore specific areas of interest in Animal and Plant Science. Areas of study include Agribusiness, Animal Science, Biotechnology, Career Development, Economics and Marketing, Food Science, Forestry, Leadership, Management, Natural Resource Management, and Plant and Soil Science.
Approved Program of Study Task Grid for Animal and Plant Science Technology