The Career Lab: School to Work
Career Lab: School to Work
The Career Lab: School to Work CTE Program is an educational program that combines classroom instruction with on the job training in a career area of the student's choice. This unique program of education is designed to integrate classroom study in employability and life skills with planned, supervised, practical work experience.
The Career Lab: School to Work Program is a partnership between local business/industry and the Octorara Area Career and Technical Education Programs (OACTEP). Career competency and the manipulative aspects of a skill are developed at the job training site. Related classroom theory is offered through planned periods of instruction in the Octorara Junior/Senior High School. The Career Lab: School to Work program serves heterogeneous groups of students whose career objectives are not met by attending any of the existing career & technical education programs offered at OACTEP. Maintaining employment and class attendance are essential to successful completion of the course requirements.
The The Career Lab: School to Work Program was designed:
To provide training in those vocational-technical areas not presently being offered at OACTEP or comprehensive high
To serve students who are unable to gain admission to a vocational -technical program due to excessive applicants.
To serve students who may drop out of school because of financial, domestic and/or scholastic problems.
To provide training for students who need an alternative form of education which meets their unique needs?
Students must take the Career Lab: School to Work Curriculum CTE course in order to be eligible for the Career Lab: School to Work Experience.