Principal's Page

Message from the Principal

It is with great excitement, I serve the Octorara Intermediate School (OIS) students, faculty, staff and the OIS community as your Interim Principal. It continues to be our goal to partner with our families in Empowering Students to Build Successful Futures!

As your OIS Interim Principal; with a collaborative team, the OIS will be tireless in its dedication in providing ALL students with the following:

  • A safe and secure building,

  • Adults that care for students through developing meaningful & appropriate relationships,

  • Opportunities that prepare students for life in a highly complex global community,

  • Rigorous academics and enrichment opportunities,

  • Technologically advanced learning environments,

  • Engagement in academic, social, and emotional growth.

Please visit our school website often, where we are committed to making it a primary source of timely information for students, faculty, staff, parents/guardians, and the OIS community.

Feel free to contact me at any time should you have any questions or concerns regarding your child(ren)’s experiences at OIS.

Dr. Brett A. Cooper - Interim Principal