Principal's Page

Message from the Principal

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Welcome to the Octorara Intermediate School. My name is Dr. Christian Haller and I have been the principal at OIS since 2009. The OIS is an important stop along a student's journey to graduation. At OIS the Administration and Staff take pride in assisting students with the transition from elementary school to secondary school. We provide a rigorous curriculum and nurturing environment in order to maximize the success of our students.

Our curriculum is based on the PA Core Standards. A Reading/Writing workshop model is utilized in English Language Arts class. Math teachers at the OIS use Go Math resources to help students meet the state standards.

We use a School Wide Positive Behavior Support Plan to assist students with learning and following school-wide expectations for behavior. We also use Braves tickets to reward students who are demonstrating outstanding behavior. Additionally, our school counselor meets with individual students and provides lunch groups for students who need assistance.

I encourage you to contact me if you have any questions about the OIS program. You may reach me at Email Christian Haller or by calling 610-593-4608.

Thank you and welcome to OIS.

Christian Haller